About Me.
I was an underachieving student at Carnegie Mellon University, where I studied Information Systems, Behavioral Science, and endured several failed attempts to formally study design.
I started my career as a human-centered design practitioner at MAYA Design (A BCG Company).
I then joined Duolingo as one of their earliest designers (employee #28). With a very small team, I helped design a product that hundreds of millions of people would fall in love with. The last thing I built there was Duolingo for Schools, a tool that enabled educators to use Duolingo with their students.
As the self-driving race kicked off in 2016, I joined Uber ATG as their first product design hire to design the in-vehicle touchscreen experiences. I was able to file 15 patents!
In 2020, I joined Figma to help expand it’s collaborative design platform for the worlds largest enterprise teams.
I am now a Principal Product Designer at Propel, helping design better financial apps for low-income Americans who interact with the social safety net.
I have also worked with the New York Times/Wirecutter, Forward, and Designers Fund.